Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am obviously being tested on living with uncertainty. I had planned to write in this blog again after my oncology follow up on 13th January. I had had my blood test and was all geared up to attend when the appointment was cancelled because the consultant was ill with 'flu. I quickly received a new appointment, only to have that one cancelled too because of the unexpected snow fall. My blood test is now more than a month old and my new appointment on 17th February. Ah well, at least I feel well and am busy and fulfilled ....

...and have lots of plans to promote my coaching work - - focusing on clients whose roles have become redundant or who have been forced into unplanned retirement because of the current economic downturn.

In fact I would like to coach anyone facing any kind of change in their life. Change can be such a fantastic opportunity to set out on a new and different path, whatever your age or stage. It can present a chance to use hitherto untried skills, realise dreams or fulfull a long held ambition.

All it takes to turn the negative into a positive experience is a good listener who knows how uncover and develop the very best in you. Take at look at my website and contact me direct for more information and an informal chat.

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