Thursday, September 27, 2007

Once again a long time has elapsed since my last posting. I had intended to review some interesting case studies in this blog but have been so busy with clients I've had no time to write about them!

I have seen some exceptionally interesting clients this year, making my work very rewarding. In the summer I had to change my supervisor as my friend of some 10 years retired. I am looking forward to working with my new supervisor, a man this time.

I have established a peer support group for hypnotherists, under the auspices of the General Hypnotherapy Register. The group meets every 4 to 6 weeks and is going well. It is usually attended by about 6 local therapists of varying disciplines, although all are trained in hypnotherapy.

This coming, Sunday, 30th September, I am covening a Practitioner Peer Support Day for the south east area of the country in Woking. I have attended some very interesting days put on by Dominic Beirne in Warwickshire and decided something similar in the south east area would be welcome. Anyone interested in attending either this or subsequent Practitioner Support days, please contact me at The next will be later on in January 2008. The days run from 10.30 am to 4 pm. Refreshments are provided throughout the day and there are many places to lunch nearby.

A couple of weeks ago I received my first ever complaint from a client. I was surprised how hurt I felt, particularly as I had worked really hard to help this woman. As is so often the case, the presenting issue was not really the root of the problem. The experience brought, of course, new learning. It reminded me that therapy of any kind is not magic. However skilled the therapist, the client must come with an open mind, a willingness to change and be prepared to work with the therapist to facilitate that change.