Friday, September 14, 2012

So many weeks seem to elapse without my adding to my blog.  The grey weather really dampens my spirits but a trip to Malta, the Olympics and the recent sunshine in London have really revived me. I am sure I am not the only person to find my mood reacts with the weather and doubt an artificial "sun light" wouldn't be a substitute.

Depression seems to be prevalent among my clients and, apart from the stresses of working life in the difficult economic times,  I feel the weather must also play a part.  Depressed clients lose hope that they will ever move forward and it is very difficult for them to find anything to be positive about.  They often have global impression of doom and gloom all around. 

It is important to help people to focus down onto very small things that might bring about change or lift their spirits - a small highlight in the next few days to look forward to can make a difference.  And writing down at the end of each day three good things that have happened is an excellent technique to adopt.  We know how easy it is to have one bad thing happen which then becomes the focus of our memory of a day.

So start today - appreciate 3 good things that have made you smile. Write them down so that they can be reviewed and boost your mood tomorrow and the day after.

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