Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The sun is fading along with our tans and the season of “mists and mellow fruitfulness” is upon us. Actually I really love autumn –the smells, the colours, those gossamer floating cobwebs that brush your face in the mornings and, of course, the fruits. And it seems that this year there really is an abundance of fruits. I have already made green tomato chutney and plum jam and now have a huge bag of pears to turn into some kind of preserve. At the moment I have not quite decided what. The resident blackbird is attacking the Pyracantha berries with gusto and the blue tits seem to have found something delicious to eat amongst the silver birch twigs. I hope supplies last through the winter!

The cooler, shorter days never seem so hard to adjust to when they follow a wonderful summer like this one. Apart from the lovely weather we enjoyed in England, we also deviated from our normal routine and spent two weeks in Provence in August, a 40th birthday party with extended family from all corners of the world. Given the complications of our family situation, the potential for disaster was enormous but everything went swimmingly, literally, as much time was spent in and around the pool and on a marathon canoe trip down the River Drome. Well done Sam (12) for finishing up front with the leaders and also to Judith who completed it single handed despite her disability.) The weather was beautiful every day and the trips down and back by car also very enjoyable. We stayed in a wonderful hotel at Meaulne near Bourges where the food was exquisite and the atmosphere welcoming and comfortable. I do love travelling through France, although sadly we missed the sunflower and lavender season.

Sadly too, my older daughter could not join us from America but we all toasted her and talked about her so I hope she felt included and loved.

There was quite a dearth of clients during August but with the advent of September, numbers are building again as people return from their holidays back to the same old problems and same old routine. Prior to the holiday I was dealing with some challenging issues with clients: affaires and divorce, mental abuse and bullying at work. These latter two can all be as damaging if not more than physical abuse, as the injuries do not show on the outside, and I do encourage anyone being treated badly in any way to seek help quickly before the abuser really gets the upper hand, saps you will and confidence and renders you powerless. It happens so subtly. Be on your guard.

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