Thursday, June 04, 2009

A wealth of interesting new clients have come my way recently - clients who have contacted me direct rather than through their EAP providers. A woman with a spider phobia, an insomniac, someone who feared she was losing control of her weight and, last week, a fear of travelling accompanied by severe nausea. This last client felt her life was closing down i.e. that the phobia was preventing her doing many things she would really like to be doing now she has the opportunity and the resources. Her phobia and nausea were closely related to smell and, indeed, she could start to feel ill and panicky as soon as she opened the suitcases to start packing. She suffered from actual motion sickness but it seemed that she was less concerned about that aspect, which she could control with medication, than about the panic and fear which began even as she contemplated a trip.
She attended one treatment session and I subsequently made her a personalised CD and she is delighted with the result:
"Attached is photographic evidence that I went flying for the first time in X's light aircraft! Quite ridiculously, I decided to agree to make my first flight all the way to France for lunch!
X was going anyway and half-jokingly suggested I come with him - the idea didn't fill me with dread at all, which I attribute wholly to our session!
Thank you again for all your help, I may well be back soon to build on the progress I have made."
We can all do with a little relaxation in our lives, even if we do not feel we are suffering from any particular problem. From time to time I see a colleague for a counselling and healing session to restore my own equilibrium. A few weeks ago she said she felt I had lost the spiritual element in my life and recommended a young woman who is a medium. I was dubious but booked an appointment and the experience was wonderful. It is hard to describe what happened in the session but, whatever it was, it felt totally authentic and was uplifting and transforming. I have come away with a spring in my step and a much lighter heart. And with some new views and answers to questions which I have long been pondering in my own life. Please contact me if you would like more information.

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