Thursday, June 09, 2011

I am not a collector.  I don't think I have ever had a collection of anything in my life.  If you collect, you are ultimately exploited by the providers of the collectibles, it seems to me.  I do sometimes like to bring home something from a trip - an ornament, a picture, maybe just a pebble or shell to remind me - maybe that too is a form of collecting. 

I am a wanderer, a voyager, a butterfly, a "fly by the seat of my pants" type of person.  I react and create.  I have faith and intuition.  These reflections are in response to an article I have just read in The Garden magazine about foxgloves. I love foxgloves.  I played with them a a child, making thimbles and dolls cups, and came to no harm. We have wild ones in the garden now which pop up every year in different places, dappled pink and beautiful.  I wonder why one would want to collect dozens of different adaptations when there is so much to enjoy about the original.

Clients say my home is a haven of peace.  It is peaceful.  It is also wild, structured and calm.  Lots of contradictions perhaps, but for me the perfect place.  I have lived in this house now for longer than I have ever lived anywhere in my whole life - 18 years in July.  And whilst I used to enjoy settling in and adapting each new place, staying in one place has enabled me to develop it into somewhere where I can be completely relaxed and at peace with myself. 

A few years ago I was constantly making a statement about me, about my life, my achievements.  Now I am relaxed and content within myself and I hope I provide a peaceful, safe place for clients to find their own way to relax and resolve their problems.

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